«110 kV Komsomolsky substation» project

"110 kV Komsomolsky substation" project

Our company’s specialists have completed commissioning work on a new electric power facility — the 110 kV Komsomolsky substation, which is located in the Chukotka Autonomous Region. The main part of the work on the commissioning of relay protection, emergency automation, UPASK, SHSN, SHPT, BKTP, HF, ORU power supply facilities and secondary communication circuits was completed in August 2023.

The 110 kV Komsomolsky substation plays a key role in the distribution of energy from the Lomonosov floating thermal nuclear power plant (NPP) and the Bilibino NPP, the only nuclear power plants in the world beyond the Arctic Circle.

Проект «ПС 110 кВ Комсомольский»

The commissioning of two single-chain overhead lines under construction from PS 110 Beregovaya to PS 110 kV Komsomolsky and on to RP Bilibino, which is currently under construction, will significantly increase the reliability of the entire Pevek-Bilibino power plant.

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